
Why is entrepreneurship so unattractive to saving?

The startup ecosystem is boiling. Every week we read, also in the general press, news that refer to the start of new instruments to finance startup, almost always technology-based, to investment and divestment operations, often with gigantic capital gains. It is a young, growing microsystem that already has its gurus, small circles of influence that result from a very good …

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Ultra-diversified investment: from crowdinvesting to crowd2crowd

The Brexit, Trump, the real estate already up with 2-digit figures, January inflation above 3%, the OPEC agreement and the oil going back,… a lot of convulsion. Markets are shifting and the tailwinds that have pushed us to GDP growth rates that no one foresaw the last 2 years are already abating. And now what should investors do? As always, …

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Conference in the framework of the meeting “New trends in investment” organized by International Investors & Founders (IIF)

Up! Catalonia participated last October 27 in the business meeting organized by International Investors & Founders (IIF) to discuss “New investment trends” at CINC (International Business Center of Catalonia – Barcelona). Carles Brugarolas gave the conference “A new model of initial financing for entrepreneurs”. He highlighted the opportunity to invest in the most initial moment of the entrepreneurial process if …

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